
See What People Are Saying

2015-12-07 Failure is not an option….

Failure is not an option….No, it’s inevitable.In today’s business environment it is almost impossible to fail somewhere along the way. The issues are: first, will I accept that reality? Then can I act so that when I do fail, it is cheap and useful? Time was when we would develop methodologies that tried to avoid failure altogether. This was a conceit.

2016-05-27 Classroom training – it’s not out of date, and it never will be!

Why we should not lose sight of an ‘old technology’ in the face of new ideas.Back in the exciting times of the 1950s and 1960s, people had some amazing ideas of how the world would look today. Cars flying along highways in the sky, jetpacks for everyone, homes and towns under giant glass domes and cities under the sea. Holidays on Mars, vegetables as big as a bus, or all food replaced by pills.

2016-05-27 Classroom training – it’s not out of date, and it never will be!

Why we should not lose sight of an ‘old technology’ in the face of new ideas.Back in the exciting times of the 1950s and 1960s, people had some amazing ideas of how the world would look today. Cars flying along highways in the sky, jetpacks for everyone, homes and towns under giant glass domes and cities under the sea. Holidays on Mars, vegetables as big as a bus, or all food replaced by pills.

2015-12-07 Failure is not an option….

Failure is not an option….No, it’s inevitable.In today’s business environment it is almost impossible to fail somewhere along the way. The issues are: first, will I accept that reality? Then can I act so that when I do fail, it is cheap and useful? Time was when we would develop methodologies that tried to avoid failure altogether. This was a conceit.

2015-12-07 Failure is not an option….

Failure is not an option….No, it’s inevitable.In today’s business environment it is almost impossible to fail somewhere along the way. The issues are: first, will I accept that reality? Then can I act so that when I do fail, it is cheap and useful? Time was when we would develop methodologies that tried to avoid failure altogether. This was a conceit.